Source code for abel.basex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from time import time
import os.path
from math import exp, log
import sys

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gammaln
from numpy.linalg import inv
from scipy.ndimage import median_filter, gaussian_filter, center_of_mass

from ._version import __version__

# This is adapted from the BASEX Matlab code provided by the Reisler group.
# Please cite: "The Gaussian basis-set expansion Abel transform method"
# V. Dribinski, A. Ossadtchi, V. A. Mandelshtam, and H. Reisler,
# Review of Scientific Instruments 73, 2634 (2002).
# Version 0.7 - 2016-02-17
#   Major reformatting - removed up/down symmetic version and
#   made basex work with only one quadrant.
# Version 0.6 - 2015-12-01
#   Another major code reformatting
# Version 0.5 - 2015-11-16
#   Code cleanup
# Version 0.4 - 2015-05-0
#   Major code update see pull request
# Version 0.3 - 2015-02-01
#   Added documentation
# Version 0.2 - 2014-10-09
#   Adding a "center_and_transform" function to make things easier
# Versions 0.1 - 2012
#   First port to Python

[docs]def basex_transform(data, nbf='auto', basis_dir='./', dr=1.0, verbose=True, direction='inverse'): """ This function performs the BASEX (BAsis Set EXpansion) Abel Transform. It works on a "right side" image. I.e., it works on just half of a cylindrically symmetric object and ``data[0,0]`` should correspond to a central pixel. To perform a BASEX transorm on a whole image, use :: abel.transform(image, method='basex') This BASEX implementation only works with images that have an odd-integer width. Note: only the inverse transform is currently implemented. Parameters ---------- data : a NxM numpy array The image to be inverse transformed. The width (M) must be odd and ``data[:,0]`` should correspond to the central column of the image. nbf : str or list number of basis functions. If ``nbf='auto'``, it is set to ``(n//2 + 1)``. *This is what you should always use*, since this BASEX implementation does not work reliably in other situations! In the future, you could use list, in format [nbf_vert, nbf_horz] basis_dir : str path to the directory for saving / loading the basis set coefficients. If None, the basis set will not be saved to disk. dr : float size of one pixel in the radial direction. This only affects the absolute scaling of the transformed image. verbose : boolean Determines if statements should be printed. direction : str The type of Abel transform to be performed. Currently only accepts value ``'inverse'``. Returns ------- recon : NxM numpy array the transformed (half) image """ if direction != 'inverse': raise ValueError('Forward BASEX transform not implemented') # make sure that the data is the right shape (1D must be converted to 2D): data = np.atleast_2d(data) h, w = data.shape if data.shape[0] == 1: data_ndim = 1 elif data.shape[1] == 1: raise ValueError('Wrong input shape for \ data {0}, should be (N1, N2) \ or (1, N), not (N, 1)'.format(data.shape)) else: data_ndim = 2 full_image = np.hstack((np.fliplr(data), data[:, 1:])) n = full_image.shape # load the basis sets: M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, \ Mc_horz, vert_left, horz_right = get_bs_basex_cached( n_vert=n[0], n_horz=n[1], nbf=nbf, basis_dir=basis_dir, verbose=verbose) # Do the actual transform: recon = basex_core_transform(full_image, M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, Mc_horz, vert_left, horz_right, dr) if data_ndim == 1: # taking the middle row, since the rest are zeroes recon = recon[recon.shape[0] - recon.shape[0]//2 - 1] if h == 1: return recon[w-1:] else: return recon[:, w-1:]
[docs]def basex_core_transform(rawdata, M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, Mc_horz, vert_left, horz_right, dr=1.0): """ This is the internal function that does the actual BASEX transform. It requires that the matrices of basis set coefficients be passed. Parameters ---------- rawdata : NxM numpy array the raw image. M_vert_etc. : Numpy arrays 2D arrays given by the basis set calculation function dr : float pixel size. This only affects the absolute scaling of the output. Returns ------- IM : NxM numpy array The abel-transformed image, a slice of the 3D distribution """ # Reconstructing image - This is where the magic happens Ci = # use an heuristic scaling factor to match the analytical abel transform # For more info see MAGIC_NUMBER = 1.1122244156826457 Ci *= MAGIC_NUMBER/dr IM = # P = dot(dot(Mc,Ci),M.T) # This calculates the projection, # which should recreate the original image return IM
def _get_left_right_matrices(M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, Mc_horz): """ An internal helper function for no-up/down-asymmetry BASEX: given basis sets M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, Mc_horz, return M_left and M_right matrices """ nbf_vert, nbf_horz = np.shape(M_vert)[1], np.shape(M_horz)[1] q_vert, q_horz = 0, 0 # No Tikhonov regularization E_vert, E_horz = np.identity(nbf_vert)*q_vert, np.identity(nbf_horz)*q_horz vert_left = inv( + E_vert).dot(Mc_vert.T) horz_right = + E_horz)) return vert_left, horz_right def _nbf_default(n_vert, n_horz, nbf): """ An internal helper function for the asymmetric case to check that nbf = n//2 + 1 and print a warning otherwise """ if nbf == 'auto': # nbf_vert = n_vert (if relevant) # nbf_horz = n_horz//2 + 1 nbf = [n_vert, n_horz//2 + 1] elif isinstance(nbf, (int, long)): if nbf != n_horz//2 + 1: print('Warning: the number of basis functions \ nbf = {} != (n//2 + 1) = {}\n'.format( nbf, n_horz//2 + 1)) print('This behaviour is currently not tested \ and should not be used \ unless you know exactly what you are doing. \ Setting nbf="auto" is best for now.') nbf = [nbf]*2 # Setting identical number of vert and horz functions elif isinstance(nbf, (list, tuple)): if nbf[-1] != n_horz//2 + 1: print('Warning: the number of basis functions \ nbf = {} != (n//2 + 1) = {}\n'.format( nbf[-1], n_horz//2 + 1)) print('This behaviour is currently not tested \ and should not be used \ unless you know exactly what you are doing. \ Setting nbf="auto" is best for now.') if len(nbf) < 2: nbf = nbf*2 # In case user inputs [nbf] instead of [nbf_vert, nbf_horz] else: raise ValueError('nbf must be set to "auto" or an integer or a list') return nbf
[docs]def get_bs_basex_cached(n_vert, n_horz, nbf='auto', basis_dir='.', verbose=False): """ Internal function. Gets BASEX basis sets, using the disk as a cache (i.e. load from disk if they exist, if not calculate them and save a copy on disk). To prevent saving the basis sets to disk, set ``basis_dir=None``. Parameters ---------- n_vert, n_horz : int Abel inverse transform will be performed on a ``n_vert x n_horz`` area of the image nbf : int or list number of basis functions. If ``nbf='auto'``, ``n_horz`` is set to ``(n//2 + 1)``. basis_dir : str path to the directory for saving / loading the basis set coefficients. If None, the basis sets will not be saved to disk. Returns ------- M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, Mc_horz, vert_left, horz_right: numpy arrays the matrices that compose the basis set. """ # Sanitize nbf nbf = _nbf_default(n_vert, n_horz, nbf) nbf_vert, nbf_horz = nbf[0], nbf[1] basis_name = "basex_basis_{}_{}_{}_{}.npy".format( n_vert, n_horz, nbf_vert, nbf_horz) M_horz = None if basis_dir is not None: path_to_basis_file = os.path.join(basis_dir, basis_name) if os.path.exists(path_to_basis_file): # Use existing basis set if verbose: print('Loading basis sets... ') # saved as a .npy file try: M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, Mc_horz, vert_left, \ horz_right, M_version = np.load(path_to_basis_file) except ValueError: raise print("Cached basis file incompatible. \ Please delete the saved basis file and try again.") if M_horz is None: # generate the basis set if verbose: print('A suitable basis set was not found.', 'A new basis set will be generated.', 'This may take a few minutes. ', end='') if basis_dir is not None: print('But don\'t worry, \ it will be saved to disk for future use.\n') else: print(' ') M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, Mc_horz = _bs_basex( n_vert, n_horz, nbf_vert, nbf_horz, verbose=verbose) vert_left, horz_right = _get_left_right_matrices( M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, Mc_horz) if basis_dir is not None:, (M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, Mc_horz, vert_left, horz_right, np.array(__version__))) if verbose: print('Basis set saved for later use to,') print(' '*10 + '{}'.format(path_to_basis_file)) return M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, Mc_horz, vert_left, horz_right
MAX_BASIS_SET_OFFSET = 4000 def _bs_basex(n_vert=1001, n_horz=501, nbf_vert=1001, nbf_horz=251, verbose=True): """ Generates basis sets for the BASEX method without assuming up/down symmetry. Parameters: ----------- n_vert : integer Vertical dimensions of the image in pixels. n_horz : integer Horizontal dimensions of the image in pixels. Must be odd. See nbf_vert : integer Number of basis functions in the z-direction. Must be less than or equal (default) to n_vert nbf_horz : integer Number of basis functions in the x-direction. Must be less than or equal (default) to n_horz//2 + 1 Returns: -------- M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, Mc_horz : numpy arrays """ if n_horz % 2 == 0: raise ValueError('The horizontal dimensions of the image (n_horz) \ must be odd.') if nbf_horz > n_horz//2 + 1: raise ValueError('The number of horizontal basis functions (nbf_horz) \ cannot be greater than n_horz//2 + 1') if nbf_vert > n_vert: raise ValueError('The number of vertical basis functions (nbf_vert) \ cannot be greater than \ the number of vertical pixels (n_vert).') Rm_h = n_horz//2 + 1 I_h = np.arange(1, n_horz + 1) R2_h = (I_h - Rm_h)**2 M_horz = np.zeros((n_horz, nbf_horz)) Mc_horz = np.zeros((n_horz, nbf_horz)) M_horz[:, 0] = 2*np.exp(-R2_h) Mc_horz[:, 0] = np.exp(-R2_h) gammaln_0o5 = gammaln(0.5) if verbose: print('Generating horizontal BASEX basis sets for \ n_horz = {}, nbf_vert = {}:\n'.format(n_horz, nbf_vert)) sys.stdout.write('0') sys.stdout.flush() # the number of elements used to calculate the projected coefficeints delta = np.fmax(np.arange(nbf_horz)*32 - MAX_BASIS_SET_OFFSET, MAX_BASIS_SET_OFFSET) for k in range(1, nbf_horz): k2 = k*k # so we don't recalculate it all the time log_k2 = log(k2) angn = exp(k2 * (1 - log_k2) + gammaln(k2 + 0.5) - gammaln_0o5) M_horz[Rm_h-1, k] = 2 * angn for l in range(1, n_horz - Rm_h + 1): l2 = l*l log_l2 = log(l2) val = exp(k2 * (1 + log(l2/k2)) - l2) Mc_horz[Rm_h - 1 + l, k] = val # All rows below center Mc_horz[Rm_h - 1 - l, k] = val # All rows above center aux = val + angn * Mc_horz[Rm_h - 1 + l, 0] p = np.arange(max(1, l2 - delta[k]), min(k2 - 1, l2 + delta[k]) + 1) """ We use here the fact that for p, k real and positive np.log(np.arange(p, k)).sum() == gammaln(k) - gammaln(p) where gammaln is scipy.misc.gammaln (i.e. the log of the Gamma function) The following line corresponds to the vectorized third loop of the original BASIS2.m matlab file. """ aux += np.exp( k2 - l2 - k2*log_k2 + p*log_l2 + gammaln(k2 + 1) - gammaln(p + 1) + gammaln(k2 - p + 0.5) - gammaln_0o5 - gammaln(k2 - p + 1)).sum() # End of vectorized third loop aux *= 2 M_horz[Rm_h - 1 + l, k] = aux # All rows below center M_horz[Rm_h - 1 - l, k] = aux # All rows above center if verbose and k % 50 == 0: sys.stdout.write('...{}'.format(k)) sys.stdout.flush() if verbose: print("...{}".format(k+1)) """ # Axial functions """ Z2_h = np.arange(0, n_vert)**2 M_vert = np.zeros((n_vert, nbf_vert)) Mc_vert = np.zeros((n_vert, nbf_vert)) Mc_vert[:, 0] = np.exp(-Z2_h) if verbose: print('Generating vertical BASEX basis sets for n_vert = {}, \ nbf_vert = {}:\n'.format(n_vert, nbf_vert)) sys.stdout.flush() k = np.arange(1, nbf_vert) k2 = (k*k)[None, :] l = np.arange(1, n_vert) l2 = (l*l)[:, None] Mc_vert[1:, 1:] = np.exp(k2 * (1 + np.log(l2/k2)) - l2) if verbose: print("...{}".format(k+1)) return M_vert, M_horz, Mc_vert, Mc_horz