Source code for abel.benchmark

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import numpy as np

import abel

[docs]class AbelTiming(object): def __init__(self, n=[301, 501], n_max_bs=700, transform_repeat=1): """ Benchmark performance of different iAbel/fAbel implementations. Parameters ---------- n: integer a list of arrays sizes for the benchmark (assuming 2D square arrays (n,n)) n_max_bs: integer since the basis sets generation takes a long time, do not run this benchmark for implementations that use basis sets for n > n_max_bs """ from timeit import Timer self.n = n res_fabel = {'HansenLaw': {'tr': []}, 'direct_Python': {'tr': []}} res_iabel = {'BASEX': {'bs': [], 'tr': []}, 'Three_point': {'bs': [], 'tr': []}, 'HansenLaw': {'tr': []}, 'direct_Python': {'tr': []}} if res_fabel['direct_C'] = {'tr': []} res_iabel['direct_C'] = {'tr': []} for ni in n: x = np.random.randn(ni, ni) # direct implementations if ni <= n_max_bs: # evaluate basis sets, saved for later re-use bs = abel.basex.get_bs_basex_cached(ni, ni) tbs = abel.three_point.get_bs_three_point_cached(ni) res_iabel['BASEX']['bs'].append( Timer(lambda: abel.basex.get_bs_basex_cached(ni, ni, basis_dir=None)). timeit(number=1)*1000) res_iabel['BASEX']['tr'].append( Timer(lambda: abel.basex.basex_core_transform(x, *bs)). timeit(number=transform_repeat)*1000/transform_repeat) res_iabel['Three_point']['bs'].append( Timer(lambda: abel.three_point.get_bs_three_point_cached(ni, basis_dir=None)). timeit(number=1)*1000) res_iabel['Three_point']['tr'].append( Timer(lambda: abel.three_point.three_point_core_transform(x, tbs)). timeit(number=transform_repeat)*1000/transform_repeat) else: res_iabel['BASEX']['bs'].append(np.nan) res_iabel['BASEX']['tr'].append(np.nan) res_iabel['Three_point']['bs'].append(np.nan) res_iabel['Three_point']['tr'].append(np.nan) res_fabel['HansenLaw']['tr'].append( Timer(lambda: abel.hansenlaw.hansenlaw_transform( x, direction='forward')).timeit(number=transform_repeat)*1000/transform_repeat) res_iabel['HansenLaw']['tr'].append( Timer(lambda: abel.hansenlaw.hansenlaw_transform( x, direction='inverse')).timeit(number=transform_repeat)*1000/transform_repeat) res_iabel['direct_Python']['tr'].append( Timer(lambda: x, backend='Python', direction='inverse')).timeit(number=transform_repeat)*1000/transform_repeat) res_fabel['direct_Python']['tr'].append( Timer(lambda: x, backend='Python', direction='forward')).timeit(number=transform_repeat)*1000/transform_repeat) if res_iabel['direct_C']['tr'].append( Timer(lambda: x, backend='C', direction='inverse')).timeit(number=transform_repeat)*1000/transform_repeat) res_fabel['direct_C']['tr'].append( Timer(lambda: x, backend='C', direction='forward')).timeit(number=transform_repeat)*1000/transform_repeat) self.fabel = res_fabel self.iabel = res_iabel def __repr__(self): import platform from itertools import chain out = [] out += ['PyAbel benchmark run on {}\n'.format(platform.processor())] LABEL_FORMAT = '|'.join([' Implementation '] + [' n = {:<12} '. format(ni) for ni in self.n]) TR_ROW_FORMAT = '|'.join(['{:>15} '] + [' {:8.1f} ']\ * len(self.n)) BS_ROW_FORMAT = '|'.join(['{:>15} '] + [' {:8.1f} ({:8.1f}) ']\ * len(self.n)) SEP_ROW = ' ' + '-'*(22 + (17+1)*len(self.n)) HEADER_ROW = ' ========= {:>10} Abel implementations ==========\n' \ 'time to solution [milli-sec (=sec/1000)] -> transform'\ ' (basis sets generation)\n' def print_benchmark(name, res): out = [HEADER_ROW.format(name)] if res: out += [LABEL_FORMAT] out += [SEP_ROW] for name, row in res.items(): if 'bs' in row: pars = list(chain(*zip(row['tr'], row['bs']))) out += [BS_ROW_FORMAT.format(name, *pars)] else: out += [TR_ROW_FORMAT.format(name, *row['tr'])] return out out += print_benchmark('Direct', self.fabel) out += [''] out += print_benchmark('Inverse', self.iabel) return '\n'.join(out)
[docs]def is_symmetric(arr, i_sym=True, j_sym=True): """ Takes in an array of shape (n, m) and check if it is symmetric Parameters ---------- arr : 1D or 2D array i_sym : array symmetric with respect to the 1st axis j_sym : array symmetric with respect to the 2nd axis Returns ------- a binary array with the symmetry condition for the corresponding quadrants. The global validity can be checked with `array.all()` Note: if both i_sym=True and i_sym=True, the input array is checked for polar symmetry. See for the defintion of a center of the image. """ Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 = arr, reorient=False) if i_sym and not j_sym: valid_flag = [np.allclose(np.fliplr(Q1), Q0), np.allclose(np.fliplr(Q2), Q3)] elif not i_sym and j_sym: valid_flag = [np.allclose(np.flipud(Q1), Q2), np.allclose(np.flipud(Q0), Q3)] elif i_sym and j_sym: valid_flag = [np.allclose(np.flipud(np.fliplr(Q1)), Q3), np.allclose(np.flipud(np.fliplr(Q0)), Q2)] else: raise ValueError('Checking for symmetry with both i_sym=False \ and j_sym=False does not make sense!') return np.array(valid_flag)
[docs]def absolute_ratio_benchmark(analytical, recon, kind='inverse'): """ Check the absolute ratio between an analytical function and the result of a inv. Abel reconstruction. Parameters ---------- analytical : one of the classes from abel.analytical, initialized recon : 1D ndarray a reconstruction (i.e. inverse abel) given by some PyAbel implementation """ mask = analytical.mask_valid if kind == 'inverse': func = analytical.func elif kind == 'direct': func = analytical.abel err = func[mask]/recon[mask] return err
[docs]def main(): # run some benchmarks!! time = AbelTiming() print(time)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()