Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate

from .tools.math import gradient

    from import _cabel_direct_integral
    cython_ext = True
except (ImportError, UnicodeDecodeError):
    cython_ext = False

# direct - calculation of forward and inverse Abel transforms by direct
# numerical integration
# Roman Yurchak - Laboratoire LULI, Ecole Polytechnique/CNRS/CEA, France
# 12.2015: Added a pure python implementation following a dissuasion
#                                                     with Dan Hickstein
# 11.2015: Moved to PyAbel, added more unit tests, reorganized code base
#    2012: First implementation in hedp.math.abel

[docs]def simpson_rule_wrong(f, x=None, dx=None, axis=1, **args): """ This function computes the Simpson rule both in the cases of odd and even intervals which is not technically valid """ if x is not None: raise NotImplementedError if axis != 1: raise NotImplementedError res = f[:, 0] + f[:, -1] res += 2*f[:, 1:-1:2].sum(axis=axis) res += 4*f[:, 2:-1:2].sum(axis=axis) return res*dx/3
def _construct_r_grid(n, dr=None, r=None): """ Internal function to construct a 1D spatial grid """ if dr is None and r is None: # default value, we don't care about the scaling # since the mesh size was not provided dr = 1.0 if dr is not None and r is not None: raise ValueError('Both r and dr input parameters cannot be specified \ at the same time') elif dr is None and r is not None: if r.ndim != 1 or r.shape[0] != n: raise ValueError('The input parameter r should be a 1D array' 'of shape = ({},), got shape = {}'.format( n, r.shape)) # not so sure about this, needs verification dr = np.gradient(r) else: if isinstance(dr, np.ndarray): raise NotImplementedError r = (np.arange(n) + 0.5)*dr return r, dr
[docs]def direct_transform(fr, dr=None, r=None, direction='inverse', derivative=gradient, int_func=simpson_rule_wrong, correction=True, backend='C'): """ This algorithm does a direct computation of the Abel transform * integration near the singular value is done analytically * integration further from the singular value with the Simpson rule. Parameters ---------- fr : 1d or 2d numpy array input array to which direct/inversed Abel transform will be applied. For a 2d array, the first dimension is assumed to be the z axis and the second the r axis. dr : float spatial mesh resolution (optional, default to 1.0) f : 1D ndarray the spatial mesh (optional) derivative : callable a function that can return the derivative of the fr array with respect to r (only used in the inverse Abel transform). inverse : boolean If True inverse Abel transform is applied, otherwise use a forward Abel transform. correction : boolean if False integration is performed with the Simpson rule, the pixel where the weighting function has a singular value is ignored if True in addition to the integration with the Simpson rule, integration near the singular value is done analytically, assuming a piecewise linear data. Returns ------- out : 1d or 2d numpy array of the same shape as fr with either the direct or the inverse abel transform. """ backend = backend.lower() if backend not in ['c', 'python']: raise ValueError f = np.atleast_2d(fr.copy()) r, dr = _construct_r_grid(f.shape[1], dr=dr, r=r) if direction == "inverse": # a derivative function must be provided f = derivative(f)/dr # setting the derivative at the origin to 0 # f[:,0] = 0 if direction == "inverse": f *= - 1./np.pi else: f *= 2*r[None, :] if backend == 'c': if not cython_ext: print('Warning: Cython extensions were not built, \ the C backend is not available!') print('Falling back to a pure Python backend...') backend = 'python' elif not is_uniform_sampling(r): print('Warning: non uniform sampling is currently not \ supported by the C backend!') print('Falling back to a pure Python backend...') backend = 'python' f = np.asarray(f, order='C', dtype='float64') if backend == 'c': out = _cabel_direct_integral(f, r, int(correction)) else: out = _pyabel_direct_integral(f, r, int(correction), int_func) if f.shape[0] == 1: return out[0] else: return out
def _pyabel_direct_integral(f, r, correction, int_func=simpson_rule_wrong): """ Calculation of the integral used in Abel transform (both direct and inverse). ⎮ f(r) ⎮ ────────────── dr ⎮ ___________ ⎮ ╱ 2 2 ⎮ ╲╱ y - r y Returns: -------- np.array: of the same shape as f with the integral evaluated at r """ if correction not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError if is_uniform_sampling(r): int_opts = {'dx': abs(r[1] - r[0])} else: int_opts = {'x': r} N0 = f.shape[0] N1 = f.shape[1] out = np.zeros(f.shape) R, Y = np.meshgrid(r, r, indexing='ij') # the following 2 lines can be better written i_vect = np.arange(len(r), dtype=int) II, JJ = np.meshgrid(i_vect, i_vect, indexing='ij') mask = (II < JJ) I_sqrt = np.zeros(R.shape) I_sqrt[mask] = np.sqrt((Y**2 - R**2)[mask]) I_isqrt = np.zeros(R.shape) I_isqrt[mask] = 1./I_sqrt[mask] for i, row in enumerate(f): # loop over rows (z) P = row[None, :] * I_isqrt # set up the integral out[i, :] = int_func(P, axis=1, **int_opts) # take the integral """ Compute the correction Pre-calculated analytical integration of the cell with the singular value Assuming a piecewise linear behaviour of the data c0*acosh(r1/y) - c_r*y*acosh(r1/y) + c_r*sqrt(r1**2 - y**2) """ if correction == 1: # computing forward derivative of the data f_r = (f[:, 1:] - f[:, :N1-1])/np.diff(r)[None, :] for i, row in enumerate(f): # loop over rows (z) out[i, :-1] += I_sqrt[II+1 == JJ]*f_r[i] \ + np.arccosh(r[1:]/r[:-1])*(row[:-1] - f_r[i]*r[:-1]) return out
[docs]def is_uniform_sampling(r): """ Returns True if the array is uniformly spaced to within 1e-13. Otherwise False. """ dr = np.diff(r) ddr = np.diff(dr) return np.allclose(ddr, 0, atol=1e-13)
def _abel_sym(): """ Analytical integration of the cell near the singular value in the abel transform. The resulting formula is implemented in """ from sympy import symbols, simplify, integrate, sqrt from sympy.assumptions.assume import global_assumptions r, y, r0, r1, r2, z, dr, c0, c_r, c_rr, c_z, c_zz, c_rz = symbols( 'r y r0 r1 r2 z dr c0 c_r c_rr c_z c_zz c_rz', positive=True) f0, f1, f2 = symbols('f0 f1 f2') global_assumptions.add(Q.is_true(r > y)) global_assumptions.add(Q.is_true(r1 > y)) global_assumptions.add(Q.is_true(r2 > y)) global_assumptions.add(Q.is_true(r2 > r1)) P = c0 + (r-y)*c_r # + (r-r0)**2*c_rr K_d = 1/sqrt(r**2-y**2) res = integrate(P*K_d, (r, y, r1)) sres = simplify(res) print(sres)
[docs]def reflect_array(x, axis=1, kind='even'): """ Make a symmetrically reflected array with respect to the given axis """ if axis == 0: x_sym = np.flipud(x) elif axis == 1: x_sym = np.fliplr(x) else: raise NotImplementedError if kind == 'even': fact = 1.0 elif kind == 'odd': fact = -1.0 else: raise NotImplementedError return np.concatenate((fact*x_sym, x), axis=axis)