Source code for abel.hansenlaw

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from time import time
from math import exp, log, pow, pi

# hansenlaw - a recursive method forward/inverse Abel transform algorithm
# Stephen Gibson - Australian National University, Australia
# Jason Gascooke - Flinders University, Australia
# This algorithm is adapted by Jason Gascooke from the article
#   E. W. Hansen and P-L. Law
#  "Recursive methods for computing the Abel transform and its inverse"
#   J. Opt. Soc. Am A2, 510-520 (1985) doi: 10.1364/JOSAA.2.000510
#  J. R. Gascooke PhD Thesis:
#   "Energy Transfer in Polyatomic-Rare Gas Collisions and Van Der Waals
#    Molecule Dissociation", Flinders University, 2000.
# Implemented in Python, with image quadrant co-adding, by Steve Gibson
# 2015-12-16: Modified to calculate the forward Abel transform
# 2015-12-03: Vectorization and code improvements Dan Hickstein and Roman Yurchak
#             Previously the algorithm iterated over the rows of the image
#             now all of the rows are calculated simultaneously, which provides
#             the same result, but speeds up processing considerably.

[docs]def hansenlaw_transform(IM, dr=1, direction="inverse"): r""" Forward/Inverse Abel transformation using the algorithm of `Hansen and Law J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2, 510-520 (1985) <>`_ equation 2a: .. math:: f(r) = \frac{1}{\pi} \int_{r}^{\inf} \frac{g^\prime(R)}{\sqrt{R^2-r^2}} dR, where :math:`f(r)` is the reconstructed image (source) function, :math:`g'(R)` is the derivative of the projection (measured) function Evaluation follows Eqs. (15 or 17), using (16a), (16b), and (16c or 18) of the Hansen and Law paper. For the full image transform, use ``abel.transform``. For the inverse Abel transform of image g: :: f = abel.transform(g, direction="inverse", method="hansenlaw")["transform"] For the forward Abel transform of image f: :: g = abel.transform(r, direction="forward", method="hansenlaw")["transform"] This function performs the Hansen-Law transform on only one "right-side" image, typically one quadrant of the full image: :: Qtrans = abel.hansenlaw.hansenlaw_transform(Q, direction="inverse") Recursion method proceeds from the outer edge of the image toward the image centre (origin). i.e. when ``n=N-1``, ``R=Rmax``, and when ``n=0``, ``R=0``. This fits well with processing the image one quadrant (chosen orientation to be rightside-top), or one right-half image at a time. Parameters ---------- IM : 2D np.array One quadrant (or half) of the image oriented top-right. dr : float Sampling size (=1 for pixel images), used for Jacobian scaling direction : string ('forward' or 'inverse') ``forward`` or ``inverse`` Abel transform Returns ------- AIM : 2D numpy array forward/inverse Abel transform image .. note:: Image should be a right-side image, like this: :: . +-------- +--------+ . | * | * | . | * | * | <---------- IM . | * | * | . +-------- o--------+ . | * | * | . | * | * | . | * | * | . +-------- +--------+ Image centre ``o`` should be within a pixel (i.e. an odd number of columns) Use ``, method='com', odd_size=True)`` """ IM = np.atleast_2d(IM) N = np.shape(IM) # shape of input quadrant (half) AIM = np.zeros(N) # forward/inverse Abel transform image rows, cols = N # constants listed in Table 1. h = [0.318, 0.19, 0.35, 0.82, 1.8, 3.9, 8.3, 19.6, 48.3] lam = [0.0, -2.1, -6.2, -22.4, -92.5, -414.5, -1889.4, -8990.9, -47391.1] K = np.size(h) X = np.zeros((rows, K)) # Two alternative Gamma functions for forward/inverse transform # Eq. (16c) used for the forward transform def fgamma(Nm, lam, n): return 2*n*(1-pow(Nm, (lam+1)))/(lam+1) # Eq. (18) used for the inverse transform def igamma(Nm, lam, n): if lam < -1: return (1-pow(Nm, lam))/(pi*lam) else: return -np.log(Nm)/pi if direction == "inverse": # inverse transform gamma = igamma # g' - derivative of the intensity profile if rows > 1: gp = np.gradient(IM)[1] # second element is gradient along the columns else: # If there is only one row gp = np.atleast_2d(np.gradient(IM[0])) else: # forward transform gamma = fgamma gp = IM # ------ The Hansen and Law algorithm ------------ # iterate along columns, starting outer edge (right side) # toward the image center for n in range(cols-2, 0, -1): Nm = (n+1)/n # R0/R for k in range(K): # Iterate over k, the eigenvectors? X[:, k] = pow(Nm, lam[k])*X[:, k] +\ h[k]*gamma(Nm, lam[k], n)*gp[:, n] # Eq. (15 or 17) AIM[:, n] = X.sum(axis=1) # special case for the end pixel AIM[:, 0] = AIM[:, 1] #for some reason shift by 1 pixel aligns better? - FIX ME! if direction == "inverse": AIM = np.c_[AIM[:, 1:],AIM[:, -1]] if AIM.shape[0] == 1: AIM = AIM[0] # flatten to a vector if direction == "inverse": return AIM*np.pi/dr # 1/dr - from derivative else: return -AIM*np.pi*dr # forward still needs '-' sign